Are there truly good carbs and bad carbs? Should you avoid all carbs? What are carbs anyway? Can diabetics eat carbs? Do carbs cause obesity? Are low-carb fad diets healthy? Read on to find out the truth about carbs.
Tara’s Tuesday Tips:
The Truth About Carbs
What are carbs?
Carbohydrates. A carbohydrate is a macronutrient (protein + fat are also macronutrients). Our bodies break down carbohydrates and turn them into energy. The glucose we extract from carbohydrates is needed for our survival.
Are all carbs the same?
No. There are two main types of carbohydrates to understand. Complex (or whole) and Simple (or refined).
Unprocessed | Processed |
Takes the body longer to break down | Broken down quickly by the body |
Does not spike or dip blood sugar, keeps steady blood sugars | Cause a spike in blood sugar and a subsequent crash in blood sugar |
Naturally contain fiber | Fiber has been stripped out |
Increased consumption decreases cravings for sugary foods | Trigger increased hunger and cravings |
High in essential nutrients | Lack essential nutrients |
Vegetables, Fruit, Legumes – lentils, kidney beans, black beans, peas, Sweet Potatoes, Whole Grains, Nuts, Oats, Quinoa, Chia Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Brown Rice, Corn | Fruit Juice, Pastries, White Bread/Rice/Pasta, Sodas, Cookies, Candy, Potato Chips |
Does carbohydrate consumption cause obesity?
This is a myth that has been perpetuated by the low-carb craze in American society right now. There is AMPLE research-based evidence that proves that complex (whole) carbohydrate consumption does NOT LEAD to obesity.
Increased consumption of simple (refined) carbohydrates and simple sugars combined with excess overall calorie intake IS LINKED to obesity.
Americans have evolved into a place where we have painted carbohydrates with one big broad bad brush stroke and have labeled all carbohydrates as evil. All carbohydrates are not evil. Good (complex/whole) carbohydrates are actually really good for you. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Here is the evidence-based truth about carbs:
Fiber-rich, whole food sources of carbohydrates are not what has caused the obesity and diabetes epidemic in the US over the last 20 years. Carbohydrates have been being consumed by humans for thousands of years and are still heavily consumed by the healthiest people in the world who are outliving everyone else. When we overdo it with the carbs that have been stripped of their nutritional value (refined carbohydrates, added sugars, heavily processed simple carbs) is when we can get ourselves into trouble.
Fruit is a carb, is fruit bad for me?
Fruit is dense in nutrients, fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and natural sugar (fructose). This makes it VERY good for you. Yes, fruit is a carb, but the truth about carbs reveals that fruit is a good (complex/unrefined/whole) carb. Above all, you should be eating fruit for its fiber content, cancer-fighting nutrients, and it keeps you feeling full for a long time. Eating fruit also provides your gut with prebiotics/food for the good bugs in your microbiome … this is VERY good for you! Conversely, fruit juice or fruit flavored candy, snacks, cereal are all fruit stripped of fiber, and concentrated down to so that there is exponentially more sugar (fructose) in a small serving without the added benefits of the whole fruit.
Is it healthy to cut ALL carbs from my diet?
NO! Low-Carb Fad diets are NOT HEALTHY! There are nutrients in carbs that actually help prevent diseases! Good (unrefined/complex/whole) carbs contain fiber, phytonutrients, carotenoids, flavonoids, and essential fatty acids (folate, vitamins B + E, magnesium, and zinc). The truth about carbs is very clear: cutting out all carbs is NOT linked to improved health!
What recipes can I follow that include healthy carbs?
Easy Vegan Fried Rice Noodles (make with brown rice noodles!), Sweet Potato Cookies, Vegan Mac ‘n Chz (make with lentil pasta), Zoodles, Sweet Potato Fries, Quinoa Veggie Soup, Steel Cut Oats, Chia Pudding, or Mexican Quinoa!
The truth about carbs and diabetes
I am not your doctor. So, my number one piece of advice is to discuss diabetes management and diet with your doctor. As a doctorate prepared nurse practitioner with years of treating and diagnosing chronic and acute illnesses. I have read many articles, and books, viewed many documentaries, and have listened to many experts in the field of nutrition discuss the role of diet and diabetes. One overwhelming piece of evidence emerging is the relationship between a plant-based diet and diabetes. Eating a whole foods, plant-based diet has been found to improve and reverse diabetes. That being said, diabetics are still told to cut carbs and cut them more.
The missing piece with that advice is that carbohydrates are highly nutritious and are a valuable source of energy even for diabetics. BUT it is imperative to understand the difference between the good (complex) and the bad (simple). No food is a bad food! We just need to find the right balance for our own individual bodies regarding ‘sometimes’ foods and ‘everyday’ foods.
I reviewed a recent study which revealed that a brown-rice-based vegan diet containing 268 grams of carbs (72% of calories) per day lowered HgbA1c levels more than a standard diabetes diet with 249 grams of total daily carbs (64% of calories)! See?!?!?! Diabetics eating rice? YES! Brown rice (good aka complex aka whole carbohydrates) with FIBER + NUTRIENTS that kept them feeling fuller longer and kept their blood sugars steady.
Check out my articles here: The Vegetarian’s Guide To Food Pairing For Glucose Control, How To Eat To Prevent Diabetes.
Small changes = Big results
First, start by replacing fruit juices with whole fruits. Second, try frozen fruit if you don’t have access to fresh fruit. Third, switch from white pasta to quinoa pasta, lentil or garbanzo bean pasta, or quinoa. Next, swap the white bread out on your sandwich for a whole grain or sprouted grain bread or wrap. Snack on nuts instead of potato chips. Brown rice can easily replace white rice. Pay attention to fiber! Most importantly, make certain that you are eating foods as close to their natural form as possible. Know the truth about carbs before cutting carbs + enjoy good food in the company of good people.
All the best,
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I hope this helps you understand the truth about carbs! More questions? Leave a comment below! We love comments!
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