Today I am sharing the most frequently asked questions I get about a vegetarian lifestyle. Some of you reading this might have the same questions. You might want to keep these handy for when someone questions your vegetarian lifestyle! Tara’s Vegetarian FAQ to the rescue!
Tara’s Tuesday Tips: Vegetarian FAQ
If you have a vegetarian-related question, I bet you can get your answer right here! Sometimes, as plant-based eaters, we get bombarded with questions. Other times, carnivorous eaters are just curious or concerned and need straight up facts. This Tuesday, I bring you Tara’s Vegetarian FAQ. Hope it helps!
What is the difference between vegan + vegetarian?
Vegans avoid all animal products while most vegetarians include eggs + dairy in their diets.
What are the different types of vegetarians?
Lacto-Vegetarians exclude meat, fish, poultry + eggs but consume dairy.
Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians exclude meat, fish, poultry but consume eggs + dairy.
Ovo-Vegetarians exclude meat, fish, poultry + dairy but consume eggs.
Pescatarians are not technically vegetarian as they consume fish but exclude meat + poultry.
Flexitarians consume a mostly vegetarian diet occasionally including meat, fish, or poultry.
Is plant-based the same as being vegetarian?
No. These terms are incorrectly interchanged a lot! Plant-based means eating more plants but does not necessarily mean cutting out meat products. Plant-based is more flexible than vegetarianism and is more synonymous with plant-forward eating. My other article might help demystify this for you: What Is A Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet?
What is plant-forward eating?
Everyday eating that includes more plant-based foods + less animal-based foods. Getting more plants on your plate and in your cooking is the goal of a plant-forward approach to eating. This type of eating ranges from those that follow a strict vegan diet and consuming no animal products to as simple as preparing meals that incorporate more plants + whole foods. Flexitarian and plant-forward are very similar. “Plant-rich” is another term used to describe this way of eating. I go into lots of detail on this topic here: What Is Plant-Forward Eating?
What can vegetarians eat at a picnic or BBQ?
So glad you asked! I love a good BBQ! I have SO MANY good tips for this! Invite the vegetarian to the BBQ + cook for them! Start here: Picnic Survival Guide and BBQ Survival Guide.
Do vegetarians consume honey?
If you avoid all animal products or are vegetarian or vegan for the protection of animals, the answer is no. Some vegans/vegetarians still eat honey as its production does not include widespread killing or mistreatment of animals. However, bee farming does include exploitation of bees in a commercial farming capacity and “steals” the honey from the bees who have made it for their own survival (plus other practices to enhance honey production). Therefore, ethical vegans choose not to support these practices and do not consume any honey.
Is being vegetarian expensive
Nope! Meat + dairy are expensive!!! You can certainly eat vegetarian on a budget + I can show you how! Check this out: Guide to Vegetarian Shopping on a Budget.
But Tara, I don’t like tofu! Now what?
Give tofu a chance. I always say, if you don’t like tofu then you haven’t had it cooked properly! Some people are afraid to eat at my house because they are afraid I will serve them tofu. Ummmmmm …. if you have eaten at my house you will know that I cook more than tofu and if you are lucky enough to eat tofu cooked in my kitchen you will keep coming back for more! Seriously tofu is awesome if you understand it. This is the most Vegetarian FAQ by far! Read these: Tofu For Beginners, Tofu 101, Learn To Love Tofu, The Vegetarian’s Guide to Silken Tofu.
Can I still work out if I give up meat?
I am living proof that the easy answer to this one is YES! Plant-based athletes can be a total powerhouse!!! You CAN get enough protein without eating meat! Mr. MVF and I have logged thousands of plant-powered miles together and have no intention of stopping or eating meat! Still don’t believe me? Read this: Tara’s Tips For Plant-Powered Athletes.
How will I get enough calcium if I choose not to drink milk?
There are a few things you do need to be concerned about with a vegetarian diet, calcium is one of them! Most vegetarians do drink milk, eat yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. Lacto-vegetarians exclude dairy in their diet as do vegans. Tara to the rescue: Plant-Based Sources of Calcium.
Do I need special medical care as a vegetarian?
Let’s face it, we live in a non-vegetarian world. So, you are your best advocate for your food choices, products you purchase, and above all, your medical care. If you are concerned if a product or medication has undergone animal testing, go to their website or look for a cruelty-free stamp on the packaging. To maintain good health, an annual physical is a good idea for everyone. Vegans need to be specifically concerned with B-12 levels checked with an iron panel. In addition, vitamin D + calcium should definitely be looked at with the routine metabolic panel and complete blood count that we typically get with our yearly exams. I have authored a few disease specific articles you might like: The Vegetarian’s Guide To Cancer Prevention, Five Minute Tips For A Healthy Heart, How To Eat For Heart Health, How to Lower Your Cholesterol, How To Eat To Prevent Diabetes.
Is it possible to get enough protein without eating meat?
Seriously. The most often asked vegetarian FAQ of any meatless eater’s life. No I am not protein deficient and you won’t be either! Read this: The Vegetarian’s Guide To Protein.
How can I stop craving meat after I give up my carnivorous lifestyle?
So glad you asked! It is likely not the meat you are craving! It is the smell + flavor of the meat cooking you are craving. If this is you, you need to read this: How To Stop Meat Cravings As A Vegetarian.
Is it safe for my children to be vegetarian?
YES! We raised 2 healthy + beautiful + productive + not-protein-deficient vegetarian children who are now functioning adult vegetarians! It is possible. What To Do When Your Child Wants To Be A Vegetarian and Raising Vegetarian Kids are two articles I authored with vegetarian kids in mind. Being informed is the best thing you can do for a little one deciding to eat veggie!
My Vegetarian Family FAQ:
Tara, why are you vegetarian?
I believe nothing should lose its life for us to eat. I also believe a plant-based lifestyle is the best thing I can do for my own optimal health + long-term disease prevention.
Do you eat eggs?
No, I do not consume eggs or any egg products.
What expertise do you have to give advice on vegetarianism?
As a doctorate prepared nurse practitioner, I have decades of experience studying, observing, and researching disease processes, nutrition, and the effects of diet on health and longevity. I also have life experience of living, traveling, competing in athletic events, cooking, and raising kids as a vegetarian that I am here to share with you!
Is your family vegetarian?
Yes! The 4 members of MVF are vegetarian. Mr. MVF + I follow a more whole food plant-based diet.
Do you think you get enough protein?
YES! Mr. MVF and I have logged in thousands of plant-powered miles together and look forward to many more. Our runs and our daily lives are fueled by pure plant protein and lots of carbs! No protein deficiency here! It IS possible!
Do you miss cheese?
Seriously, this is probably the number 2 Vegetarian FAQ (second to the protein question). Nope, I don’t miss cheese no matter how many times I get asked.
Food For Thought
As with anything I write on this blog … I am a doctorate prepared nurse practitioner. However, I am not your doctor. Consult your health care provider prior to any diet, lifestyle, or medication changes.
Start slow, the small changes stack up to big results. As always, reach out to me any time with more questions,
Do you want to see my daily food journey? Follow me on Instagram @myvegetarianfamily.
All the best,
⭐Did you get your Vegetarian FAQ’s answered? Leave a comment below!
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