How To Stop Meat Cravings As A Vegetarian

How To Stop Meat Cravings As A Vegetarian

Some people think cravings are a weakness or a lack of willpower. Nope! Cravings are very real! Some cravings are triggered by smell, some are caused by hormonal fluctuations, other times our bodies are telling us we need more of certain macro or micronutrients.  In the case of meat cravings it could also be thanks to unami.  This means you are craving the savory + rich flavors of meat, not the meat itself.  Aged meats, cheeses, and rich fish all satisfy the taste for unami.  This explains why some vegetarians enjoy making meatless meals taste like meat … unami! Sometimes knowing why you crave meat can help you satisfy that craving the right way.  Today, you have come to the right place to figure out how to stop meat cravings as a vegetarian, no matter what the reason!



Tara’s Tuesday Tips:

How To Stop Meat Cravings As A Vegetarian

As with any craving, be kind + curious.  Lots of new research is showing us that eating intuitively is the key to long term health.  Pause, be mindful of what you are feeling, and do your best to give your body what it needs. Meat cravings can be equally challenging to the novice and expert vegetarian alike.  I’m here for you! Pin, print, or save this one for when you need it! Tara’s tips to the rescue.





Be kind to yourself

Your body is doing a job + telling you something.  Be curious about it. Pause + accept the craving without judgement.  This is the most important first step in learning how to deal with meat cravings until one day, you won’t get them any more!




Make your favorite meat-meal meat-less

Use tempeh, seitan, tofu, lentils, jackfruit, mushrooms or ‘fake meats’ to make meatless versions of your favorite meals. Try one of these: Instant Pot Chickpea Seitan NuggetsTempeh Taco MeatTempeh Sloppy JoesMeatless Eggplant Meatballs.




Use the grill anyway

Same sauce, same seasonings, no meat! Most times it is the ‘meaty’ flavoring or the aroma of the meat on the grill you are craving, not the actual meat. Keep in mind, smells can bring up memories of food that make you crave the atmosphere not to food (the people, the place, the fun, the memories, but not the BBQ ribs!).




Use ‘meaty’ flavored seasonings

Remember I told you about unami? The right seasonings can add the depth + dimension to the flavoring of your meatless meal and will satisfy what you think is a desire for meat but in reality is a craving for unami! These are the spices known to best accomplish this:




Eat often + eat plenty

When you get too hungry, you crave lots of different things. Our bodies talk to us when we are hungry and sometimes, we misinterpret those cravings when we are under fueled. Maybe you aren’t craving meat, you simply need calories.




Drink often + drink plenty

Keep hydrated! At any sign of cravings, drink a big glass of water.  Sometimes we misinterpret our cravings + we simply need a big glass of water. I go into more detail about this here: Guide To Mindful SnackingWhy Am I So Hungry At Night?




Minimize meat exposure

This is not a forever fix.  You can’t avoid BBQs and steak restaurants forever, but you can at first.  If you are a new vegetarian + struggling a little with avoiding meat, you might need to take a break from the alluring aroma of meat + meat-filled social activities. Most people that are long-term vegetarians will tell you that over time, you will lose interest or might even become slightly disgusted by the BBQ scene.




Make sure your diet still includes salt + fats

This is the case for a few reasons.  First, fat keeps you full longer.  If you are not calorie deprived, you will have less cravings overall.  Second, if your food tastes good, you will feel more satisfied. Try adding avocado, nuts, nut butters, soy sauce, and liquid aminos to your regular meals.



Don’t get bored

I started this blog so that new (and old) meatless eaters would not get bored with their food! You WILL crave meat if you get bored with your meatless food.  So, keep it interesting.  If all you do is open a can of chickpeas + pour them over a bowl of spinach every night for dinner, ummmmm yes it’s vegetarian, and yes it’s boring.  I would be looking for a cheeseburger too if I ate that every night. Come on!




Have patience

Eating meat is often rooted in old habits, experiences, patterns, and traditions. Any change in lifestyle takes time to adjust to.  Be patient + kind + curious.  You will form new habits, figure out what your body is asking for, and new habits will be old habits in no time!




Change what you eat, not how much you eat

You have decided to be vegetarian.  Vegetarian is not a diet. You might be changing where you get your protein from, not removing an entire macronutrient from your life.  Be careful with this, severe restriction is a slippery slope.




Figure out your ‘why’

My favorite.  If you have read this blog, you have read this sentence here before.  Know your why. This is a big one with vegetarianism.  If you don’t know why you are cutting out meat, you don’t have a purpose to do so.  Saving the animals, the environment, for health reasons are all a great example of ‘why’.  As I said earlier, vegetarianism is not a diet + is not a fad. Know your ‘why’ so you can remind yourself when a craving hits.




Food For Thought

Food cravings are very normal.  Curiosity + acceptance are the best way for you to appreciate your body + listen to what it is trying to tell you.  Above all, remember that not all cravings are physical.  Psychological cravings are very real thanks to the memories + traditions associated with certain foods.  Remember your ‘why’ in everything you do.  Reach out to me if you continue to struggle with this, inspiring vegetarianism is what I do!


Hope this helps you on your vegetarian journey!

All the best,

Tara 💚


How To Stop Meat Cravings Meat as a Vegetarian | Tara's Tuesday Tips | My Vegetarian Family #nutritiontips #tarastuesdaytips #meatcravingsasavegetarian

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