Tag: pandemic

Time To Rethink Your Pandemic Habits

Time To Rethink Your Pandemic Habits

After two years of pandemic living, how many new habits have you picked up? Forced to change many of our behaviors + expected to adapt to new ways of life, we all picked up some new habits. So how long will these new behaviors stick [continue reading]

Your Health Goes Way Beyond Food

Your Health Goes Way Beyond Food

What is the phrase “you are what you eat” actually saying to us? Is your overall health exclusively dependent on what, when, and how you eat? Nope. I’m here to tell you that your health goes way beyond food. Your life matters more than how [continue reading]

The Vegetarian’s Guide To Post-Pandemic Eating

The Vegetarian’s Guide To Post-Pandemic Eating

Did the pandemic change the way you eat?  Stress eating, snacking, working from home, working out from home, more time at home with more access to the kitchen.  After a year of pandemic living, does your daily eating look different than it used to? Vegetarian [continue reading]

How To Feel More In Control During The Pandemic

How To Feel More In Control During The Pandemic

These strange times are starting to feel normal. Anyone else feeling like that? Are you wondering how to feel more in control during the pandemic? I AM! It is amazing how something that once felt so uncomfortable can surprisingly start feeling so routine. As I [continue reading]

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