Tag: pesto

Vegan Pesto Chick’n Pizza

Vegan Pesto Chick’n Pizza

This Vegan Pesto Chick’n Pizza is so dairy-free + meat-free + so super easy! Pizza night of my dreams! Packed with flavor + ready in minutes! I am super excited for you guys to try this one! This recipe has quickly become one of our [continue reading]

Broccoli Sprout Pesto (Oil-Free)

Broccoli Sprout Pesto (Oil-Free)

Sprouts are awesome! They take the flavor and texture of this Broccoli Sprout Pesto to the next level! This pesto is insanely easy to make + can be used in oh so many ways.Β  The best part? It is made totally oil-free!

Easy Baked Pesto Tofu

Easy Baked Pesto Tofu

This Easy Baked Pesto Tofu is perfect in so many ways! Forget putting pesto on your pasta, try it on tofu! I don’t know about you but I always have a jar of pesto in my pantry for one of days where only pesto will [continue reading]

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