Tag: mindful eating

The Vegetarian’s Guide to Mindful Eating

The Vegetarian’s Guide to Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is not just another diet. It isn’t complicated or cumbersome with calculators, rules, measurements, and restriction. Eating mindfully is a practice of being aware of cues that influence your food choices. There are SO MANY benefits to learning how to eat mindfully. This [continue reading]

The Vegetarian’s Guide to Stop Dieting

The Vegetarian’s Guide to Stop Dieting

Diets are addicting. A quick fix promising fast results. It is very easy to get caught up in a cycle of diets. Somehow, it is satisfying to know that being on a “diet” puts parameters on your life leaving no room for uncertainty of what [continue reading]

What To Do After Overeating

What To Do After Overeating

Holidays are awesome! Family + football + fun + feasting! Often times, holidays are filled with so many yummy foods that we tend to overeat.  This is SO normal.  However, there can be the consequential guilt that follows. Why are so many of you filled [continue reading]

Eat, Move, Live, Repeat

Eat, Move, Live, Repeat

Most of you come to this blog for recipes. I have the best recipe for you today.  Eat, move, live, repeat. Tara’s 3-ingredient recipe for living your best life – healthier, happier, stronger, meeting the demands of your everyday life with more energy + less [continue reading]

Tara’s Rules of Eating

Tara’s Rules of Eating

Diet research and advice emerges every day. What we once believed, we are now told not to do. Diet culture, wellness influencers, social media, fad diets. We have seen plenty of nutrition advice change over the last few decades. Regardless of the diet of the [continue reading]

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