Tag: mediterranean

Vegetarian Mediterranean Diet Foods to Eat

Vegetarian Mediterranean Diet Foods to Eat

The Mediterranean Diet continues to grow in popularity + for very good reason! I am not a ‘diet’ kind of girl but that is what makes The Mediterranean Diet so awesome! It is a style of eating rooted in history, culture, and enjoyment of unprocessed, [continue reading]

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad Bowl

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad Bowl

I am in LOVE with this salad! If you know me, you know I am a salad fanatic.  Not to mention, I am obsessed with trying to sneak quinoa into just about anything.  Meet my latest creation, The Mediterranean Quinoa Salad Bowl.  Full of vibrant [continue reading]

The Vegetarian’s Guide to The Mediterranean Diet

The Vegetarian’s Guide to The Mediterranean Diet

Curious about the Mediterranean Diet? Is this a diet full of restriction, lists of foods to eat + foods to avoid? Why should I try this? Lots of questions + I have the answers! Vegan, vegetarian, or plant-based, you have come to the right place [continue reading]

Healthy Homemade Falafel (Baked not Fried!)

Healthy Homemade Falafel (Baked not Fried!)

Vegetarians + Falafels are a perfect match ❤ How wonderful is it to be vegetarian and be able to eat a really good sandwich? Let me tell you … it is wonderful. Sometimes a girl just needs a real hearty sandwich. Not the puny wrap [continue reading]

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