Tag: cardiovascular health

Vegetarian Mediterranean Diet Foods to Eat

Vegetarian Mediterranean Diet Foods to Eat

The Mediterranean Diet continues to grow in popularity + for very good reason! I am not a ‘diet’ kind of girl but that is what makes The Mediterranean Diet so awesome! It is a style of eating rooted in history, culture, and enjoyment of unprocessed, [continue reading]

Do Vegetarians Need to Worry About Saturated Fat?

Do Vegetarians Need to Worry About Saturated Fat?

Dietary fats have been on a popularity roller coaster over the last few decades. Eat fat, don’t eat fat, fat is good, fat is bad. Where fats land today in the public eye is still up for debate. One thing we do know, is that [continue reading]

How To Eat For Heart Health

How To Eat For Heart Health

Did you know that 80% of chronic disease is preventable? Diet is one of the biggest factors contributing to the development of these chronic diseases, especially heart disease. With half of all Americans suffering from some form of heart disease, we must start doing something [continue reading]

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