Tag: athlete

Tara’s Tips For Plant-Powered Athletes

Tara’s Tips For Plant-Powered Athletes

Protein intake is a hot topic + I’m not sure that’s going anywhere any time soon.  Making it even worse is the obsession with cutting carbs.  Ugh.  So, do we need to consume more protein or more animal products? Consume excess amounts of protein? Eat [continue reading]

Vegetables with the Most Protein

Vegetables with the Most Protein

I’ve got shocking news for some of you. Ready? You do not need to eat meat to get enough protein. Here is more shocking news: vegetarians, vegans, plant-forward eaters all get plenty of protein. How? So glad you asked. My usual answer is tofu, beans, [continue reading]

Why Lentils Are Awesome

Why Lentils Are Awesome

Could it be true that I have a new favorite legume? Yes, it is undoubtedly true.  I love lentils. Are they just a trend or are they legit? These little legumes have been around a long time and are a staple in plant-based kitchens everywhere!  [continue reading]

Can You Be Vegetarian and Still Work Out?

Can You Be Vegetarian and Still Work Out?

True or False? Can You Be Vegetarian and Still Work Out? Tara’s Tuesday Tips this week busts through all of the myths surrounding this question! There are so many things to think about if you are considering going meat-free. Let’s sort through the facts so [continue reading]

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