Today I have a special treat for you! Improve your health by adding, not subtracting! So different from what we are used to hearing from health enthusiasts! There have been so many of you stopping by here for my healthy + plant-based recipe creations. I am super excited about that! I am also thrilled to find that so many of you are just like me! You realize that when you prioritize eating wholesome foods combined with a little movement, you feel better! Things just get a little easier! Improved sleep + mood along with the ability + desire to incorporate more movement into your everyday life. Best of all? You just feel better knowing that you are doing what you can for disease prevention, immunity, and even weight management. For you and for others in your life!
So how do we make a lifestyle like this sustainable? SO glad you asked! That’s easy. It comes down to simple math: adding not subtracting. Restriction never ends well. Therefore, looking at disease prevention + a healthy lifestyle as something that requires a high level of restriction will never work! Want the quickest way to feel deprived of something? Tell yourself you can’t have it ever again. You will quickly find yourself in the bottom of the bag of chips you swore you would never eat again. Let’s figure out what we can start adding to our everyday routines instead of subtracting for the healthiest version of ourselves. Learning how to improve your health by adding not subtracting is fun + easy + I can show you how!
Tara’s Tuesday Tips:
Improve Your Health By Adding Not Subtracting
I’m going to make it very simple: there is no weight loss pill or meal replacement program that is going to fix everything. No matter how many green smoothies you drink, how many food groups you ban from your life, or how much money you spend on weight loss ‘tools’ purchased from your favorite Instagram influencer, there is no shortcut. None of these things are sustainable or practical. Continuing to subtract your favorite foods from your life is not sustainable either. However, adding in a few things to your everyday life is easy + sustainable + it works! It works short term + it works long term + best of all? It’s easy!
Let’s figure out howYOU can improve your health by adding not subtracting!
Here are my 5 favorite things to add to get you started:
1. Add water
Adding water + being hydrated changes everything. Your mood, digestion, appetite, skin, energy level, kidney + bladder function, and so much more. I’m not telling you that you need to start subtracting your favorite drinks to improve your health! However, adding water to every meal + snack + paying special attention to drink one glass of water with every cup of tea, soda, coffee, or alcohol you consume is the best thing you can do to improve your overall health.
2. Add veggies into meals + snacks
Fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, polyhphenols. I can go on and on. Eat + drink in color! Toss frozen fruit into smoothies, oatmeal, or cereal. Throw a handful of spinach into soups or pastas. Need a snack? My absolute favorite, no joke, is to throw a bag of frozen broccoli in the air fryer sprinkled with salt + pepper + garlic powder. Turn your veggies into your snack!
These will help you get started: What Is Plant-Forward Eating?, Should You Be Eating Fruit?, Food Swaps For Weight Loss.
3. Add Carbs
Nope that’s not a typo. Add carbs + guess what? You will have energy, improved concentration, you will have less cravings + be hungry less often! OMG it really is true. Don’t fear the carbs + whatever you do don’t swear them off or you will find yourself face first in the pan of brownies before you know it. Simple math: addition not subtraction = happier + healthier.
Still not sure? Read this: Should You Be Eating Fruit? or The Truth About Carbs or How To Improve Your Health With Fiber.
4. Add Any Kind of Movement
Simple movements like taking the stairs, cleaning up around your house, parking further away from the store, dancing around your kitchen to music. Not so simple movements like running, cycling, yoga, Pilates, you know the ones! Move more = worry less, improve bowel function, better sleep, less depression, prevent chronic disease, and more!
Interested in reading more on this? Check these out: Eat, Move, Live, Repeat, Tara’s Tips For Plant-Powered Athletes.
5. Add a Protein or Fat to Breakfast + Snacks
Adding satisfying fats + proteins to carbs gives you a feeling of fullness + satisfaction decreasing the chance of the blood sugar roller coaster. This makes you feel fuller longer + gives you less food cravings! I go into lots of detail on this topic here: The Vegetarian’s Guide To Food Pairing For Glucose Control.
Food For Thought

❤ Did you learn How To Improve Your Health By Adding Not Subtracting? Have more questions? Leave a comment below! We love comments ❤
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