How To Be Vegetarian When Your Family Is Not

How To Be Vegetarian When Your Family Is Not

Making the decision to change is never easy.  Change is good, right? Well, yes, except when you are ready to change and the people around you are not.  In that case, change can be awkward. Figuring out how to be a vegetarian when your family is not is a decision that can bring on family tension, arguments, and even cause people to drift apart. Hopefully my tips this week help make the change to vegetarianism easier for you and the people you love.


Tara’s Tuesday Tips:

How To Be Vegetarian When Your Family Is Not



Start with your ‘why’:

I know, most of my tips start with this. That’s because it is so important.  If you know why, you can clearly communicate why.  No arguing there. Need some ideas? Read my article about Reasons People Become Vegetarian or Signs That You Should Go Plant-Based

Ask them why:

Now that you know why you became a vegetarian, you can communicate your why to the people you love. Next, it is their turn.  If people in your family are reacting negatively to your decision, there must be a reason why. Talk to them! Once you figure out why they are reacting that way, you can educate them with a loving heart. Give them time.  They may not actually know. Some possibilities might be that they are worried about your health, they think you can’t do it, they think you will be protein deficiency or anemia, or they think you can’t afford it.

Learn how to cook:

This one is important. Lead by example.  Let them see you in action.  They will see that you are not going to starve and that your new food actually tastes good! Check out some of my other articles that might help: Cooking Tips for New Vegetarians or How To Find Happiness In The Kitchen.

Always show up prepared:

NEVER show up to their house hungry. ALWAYS show up with lots and lots of delicious plant-based food that they can’t resist, and you have plenty of it to share. Need some ideas of what to bring? I have written a few other articles that might be helpful with this: Picnic Survival Guide For Vegetarians orMeat-Free Super Bowl Recipes.

Make friends:

Talk about it! You will be so surprised to find out how many people are vegetarian, pescatarian, vegan, or are curious about it and wish they were doing it too. There are social media platforms full of people who love animals, love cooking yummy plant-based dishes, and they love to take pictures of all of it! Getting connected with like-minded people will make you feel less alone.

Don’t judge them:

You don’t want to be criticized for your decision to eat a plant-based diet, right? Then don’t do it to them.  We have a rule in My Vegetarian Family.  We don’t judge meat eaters.  Just as we have our reasons why we don’t eat meat, they have their reasons why they do eat meat. We don’t comment on their food, we try to be peacemakers.  Here’s another one of our rules: always ask if your comment is helpful or hurtful. If you are trying to keep peace with your family during your transition to vegetarianism (and beyond) only say helpful things.

Arm yourself with facts:

Documentaries, videos, articles, websites that give real facts, disprove myths and are credible resources about the health benefits of vegetarianism. Share these resources with your family members when they question you.  Know the facts yourself so that you can have an honest, factual debate without emotion. If the vegetarian in your family is a child, check these out: What To Do When Your Child Wants To Be A Vegetarian or Raising Vegetarian Kids.

House divided:

What if the unwilling family member is your spouse or significant other? First you need to decide if this is a deal breaker. Once you have decided it isn’t, move on. Move on to figuring it out constructively. Don’t live your life trying to convert him or her.  Instead, spend your time thinking about recipes that can be made vegetarian with a meat add-on, how to set up the kitchen so that you aren’t always contaminating the vegetarian food with meat, and what meals you can enjoy together. Read this: Tips To Make Going Plant-Based Easier.

Hope this makes thing easier for you to be vegetarian when your family is not.

All the best,

Tara ♥



How To Be Vegetarian When Your Family Is Not | Tara's Tuesday Tips | My Vegetarian Family #myvegetarianfamily #tarastuesdaytips

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